Milena Tsankova

  /   Milena Tsankova
Milena Tsankova

Milena Tsankova

Milena Tzankova - Hommenga is a Dutch artist originally from Bulgaria.She has been living and working in the Netherlands since 1992.

Milena graduated from the Sofia Academy of Art in 1986 and devoted herselfto painting and photography. Her artistic medium of expression is varied andranges from painting portraits and landscapes to computer graphics andphotography. Milena is fascinated by Nature"s colours and shapes, which shemakes the subjects of her paintings and pictures. Milena"s projects alsodeal with complex relationships in society and the relationships between manand nature.

Currently she is involved with a large scale project concerning theaftermath of the raising of the " iron curtain" that touched the fates ofmany people. As part of this project Milena published her first novel, LifeUnder the Red Star in Bulgarian, which was published by Gutenberg PublishingHouse in 2010 in Sofia.

Photography makes up a large part of Milena"s world. To Milena photographyis not just a medium of artistic expression but also a link to the art ofher father, the well-known Bulgarian photographer Ludmil Tzankov. From herfather Milena absorbed the love for the Bulgarian landscape with the uniquebeauty of its mountains.

Thousands of miles away from her native land, Milena paints from thecolourful palette of Pirin mountain and the beauty of the Bulgarianlandscape. In Milena"s art, this beauty exists side by side with thecolourful reflections in the canals of Amsterdam. Milena"s world is filledwith unique hues. Her passion for colours is the very texture of her art.The colours radiate from her portraits, from her landscapes, from theimprint of the " skeleton" of the fallen leaf.She transforms the ordinary fishermen"s nets in a palette of dazzilingcolours.

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