Lilia IliEva

  /   Lilia IliEva
Lilia IliEva

Lilia IliEva

Master of Bulgarian philology and journalism at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" and working as journalist for 26 years for the best lifestyle magazines in Bulgaria (EVA, Playboy, Maximum, Bon Appetit, Moda, Grazia, Voyagе), 17 years of them - as an art and feature editor for EVA magazine, Lilia IliEva is the author of the book "The Foundation" about the famous Bulgarian supergroup and she translated Brian May's biography – “Brian May: The Definitive Biоgraphy” by Laura Jackson and Patricia Kaas's autobiography - "L”Ombre de ma voix" (from French).

Lilia IliEva won a special prize on European journalism competition of the European Union - For Diversity Against Discrimination.

Lilia IliEva’s suitcase is packed for every journey – musical, verbal, virtual, geographical, spiritual. She believes we posses knowledge of all languages. A matter of time to restore the memories about it.

Art is her home, where she belongs, words are her life. Flights and travels - her dreams coming true.

Her heart lives in Paris and South-West France, her soul - in Florence and in Italy, her humility - in Jerusalem.