Iskra Koynova
Iskra Koynova graduated from the school of Eastern philology at the St. Climent Ohridski University in Sofia, where she studied Turkish and Arabic languages. She worked as an editor for a Turkish language publication, while simultaneously finishing her degree in Journalism. Her next job was at the Bulgarian national aviators’ newspaper. Then, in October of 1989, a mysterious new position is created at the Bulgarian Airlines company – Public Relations. Iskra was selected for the job and for the next 8 years she was one of the first PR professionals working in Bulgaria.
Having set foot on all continents and accumulating emotions from over 80 countries, Iskra has authored hundreds of travel articles in leading Bulgarian publications. She will remain forever enchanted by the exoticism, beauty and aromas of Asia. She maintains that noisy and festive locations are her favorite spots to relax.
Iskra has been a member of ABUJET and FIJET for 23 years now. She was also a member of FIJET’s financial control committee for 4 consecutive years.